Friday, May 29, 2009

Find Out What's in Season

Consumers can use this produce avaialability chart to find out which delicious Virginia Grown fruits and vegetables are in season.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Farmers' Market Season in Virginia

Many farmers' markets across Virginia open in May. These markets are a great place to find locally grown fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Many markets also offer baked goods, eggs, cheeses, poultry and meat items, honey and much more. Click below for a list of farmers' markets in Virginia

Request for Specialty Crop Grant Proposals

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) is accepting applications for USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Specialty Crop Block Grant funds. Agricultural associations, industry groups, community-based organizations and producer groups that seek to improve the competitiveness of specialty crops in Virginia are eligible to submit proposals for grants up to $25,000. Although individual producers are not eligible, they may join with groups and organizations to apply for these grants. VDACS will administer an estimated $450,000 in funds for the development of Specialty Crop projects. The deadline for returning applications to VDACS is Wednesday, July 1, 2009.
Specialty crops are categorized as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and nursery crops (including floriculture) and are not typically covered by traditional crop insurance. A number of crops do not qualify for a specialty crop competitive grant, including cotton, feed crops (corn, hay, oats, barley), flax seed, food grains (rye or wheat), livestock and dairy products, eggs, oil crops (soybeans, sunflower seeds, canola), peanuts, range grasses, sod, tobacco, turf and aquaculture. Processed foods are eligible as long as they enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops.
Specialty Crop Competitive Grant proposals need to be specific and explain how an association, industry group or organization will use the funds to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. Some examples include research, promotion and marketing plans, as well as food safety projects. Guidelines, instructions and the application for the USDA Specialty Crop Competitive Grants are available online. For additional information e-mail,, or write VDACS, 102 Governor Street, Richmond VA 23219.